Two creative entrepeneurs are all over insurance news for bringing the United States “insurance sharing” – you know, kind of like the Uber or AirBnB for insurance. plans to use online user interfaces to bring “fairer cost, fairer treatment, more transparency, and more user empowerment.”
I am loving this concept; I’m just not sure excatly how they plan to beat the traditional insurance model. The problem with insurance products in general is that they are so maddenly complex. Yes, it will be great to offer policyholders the opportunity to pool risks with their own “communities,” and these entrepeneurs hit the nail on the head when they saw the desperate need for a fairer claims process in the United States. However, I think they will need to keep their insurance products very simple and homogenous in order to keep the claims management simple and be able to stay “fair.” Without simplicity, fairness quickly becomes too time-consuming.