Attorney Kathleen Defever teaches you about the Federal Law ERISA …
Insurance Blog
Shame in Our Streets
I was sitting by the window of a restaurant in Chicago's south loop, when I saw a thin, middle-aged man making wild gestures across the street. I looked around, and no one seemed to be concerned. …
Paul Jason White: Killed at Age 40 by a Mysterious Illness and the Lack of Medical Care. He Was My Cousin.
Yesterday my mother called and said, "I have bad news, and it is not something you would expect." At first I was a little relieved (my grandmother has been ailing). But I braced myself... oh no, what …
The Plain Writing Act. Now You’re Speaking My Language!
On this blog I strive to keep insurance terms and concepts SIMPLE. I firmly believe that insurance doesn't have to be so darned complicated. Apparently the Obama Administration also prefers to keep …
What Do The Fancy Letters After My Broker/Agent’s Name Mean?
CLU: Chartered Life Underwriter. This is the premier credential for life insurance agents, and takes 2-5 years of study to obtain. ChFC: Chartered Financial Consultant. This is the premier credential …
My Insurer Did Not Pay and I Want to Sue Them – How Much Time do I Have?
The answer to this question depends on 1) Which laws are applicable to your policy, 2) Where you are, and 3) What your policy says. 1) Which Laws Apply? First, you need to know if your policy is …
Disability Insurance – How to Choose an Attorney
I have spent many years helping disability claimants receive their benefits. When an insured suffering with a physical or mental disability is denied his or her insurance coverage claim, they begin …
Obamacare Deadline: December 23
If you haven't already enrolled in Obamacare but want to be covered by January 1, you need to take a look at your state's exchange before December 23. For those of you who are still uncertain that the …
What Is An Insurance Death Spiral? Could It Bring Down Obamacare?
Articles are popping up everywhere about the "insurance death spiral". Many analysts predict the death spiral will destroy our new Obamacare health plan. So what is this ominous death spiral? Is there …
What Happens If I Don’t Buy Obamacare Coverage?
While most uninsured Americans are aware that the failure to purchase Obamacare will cost you a fee (or as the Supreme Court calls it, a tax), most of us don't know how that fee is calculated - or …